HAL_FACC_SetCoeffFir(facc, coff, len)
HAL_FACC_SetCoeffFirReverse(facc, coff, len)
HAL_FACC_SetConvKernel(facc, kernel, len)
typedef struct __FACC_HandleTypeDef FACC_HandleTypeDef
FACC handle structure definition
enum HAL_FACC_StateTypeDef
HAL ACC State structures definition.
FACC not yet initialized or disabled
Peripheral Initialized and ready for use
An internal process is ongoing
FACC state error
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_Init(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc)
Init FACC Accelerator.
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_Config(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc, FACC_ConfigTypeDef *config)
Init FACC Accelerator.
- 参数:
facc – FACC handle
config – FACC configuration
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_Reset(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc)
Reset FACC Accelerator.
- 参数:
facc – FACC handle
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_SetCoeff(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc, uint8_t *coff_b, uint16_t len_b, uint8_t *coff_a, uint16_t len_a, uint8_t reverse)
Set IIR filter co-efficients.
- 参数:
facc – FACC handle
coff_b – coefficent array b
len_b – coefficent array b length in bytes
coff_a – coefficent array a
len_a – coefficent array a length in bytes
reverse – array in reverse order
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_Buffer_Enable(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc, uint8_t *buf_addr)
Enable FACC buffer mode, used in FIR/IIR suspend/resume calculation.
- 参数:
facc – FACC handle
buf_addr – Buffer address
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_DeInit(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc)
DeInit FACC Accelerator.
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_Start(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, uint32_t len)
Start FACC in synchronous mode.
Ouput buffer length need to be 8 bytes aligned in Lite, 4 bytes aligned in PRO.
- 参数:
facc – [in] FACC handle
input – [in] Input data
output – [out] Output data,
len – [in] length of input data in bytes
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_Start_IT(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc, uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, uint32_t len)
Start FACC in asynchronous mode.
CpltCallback is called after complete
Ouput buffer length need to be 8 bytes aligned in Lite, 4 bytes aligned in PRO.
- 参数:
facc – [in] FACC handle
input – [in] Input data
output – [out] Output data
len – [in] length of input data in bytes
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_FACC_IRQHandler(FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc)
FACC Interrupt process.
- 参数:
facc – [in] FACC handle
- 返回值:
status, HAL_OK – if successful, otherwise failed
struct FACC_ConfigTypeDef
Public Members
uint32_t gain
facc gain
uint32_t last_sel
0:other data block, 1:last data block, only used in conv
uint32_t reserved2
uint32_t mod_sel
0: fir, 1: iir
uint32_t sym_sel
0:normal, 1:symmetric(only support fir mod)
uint32_t fp_sel
0: 16bit, 1: 8bit
uint32_t conv_sel
0: filter, 1: convolution(only support fir mod)
uint32_t even_sel
when syn_sel=1, this bit is effective, 0: odd, 1: even
uint32_t buf_sel
when buf_sel=1, buffer mode is enabled, temporary state will save/restored by buffer.
uint32_t anti
when sym_sel=1, bit effective, 1: Andi-sym 0:normal,
uint32_t reserved
uint32_t gain
struct __FACC_HandleTypeDef
- #include <bf0_hal_facc.h>
FACC handle structure definition
Public Members
FACC_TypeDef *Instance
FACC register base address.
void (*CpltCallback)(struct __FACC_HandleTypeDef *facc)
FACC processing complete callback.
FACC_ConfigTypeDef config
FACC parameter config.
HAL_FACC_StateTypeDef State
FACC state.
FACC_TypeDef *Instance